I spotted this guy (below) near the trash cans. I know it doesn't look very appetizing but you will have to trust me that it is a moth pupa:
This blog is dedicated to insects and arachnids of Louisiana.
Out-of-state/region topics also welcome.
Here is the count from last night's haul (excluding some of those bugs ofwhich we got just a very few):
Crickets - 35
PDB's (predacious diving beetle) - 59
WSB's (water scavenger beetle) - 38
Belastoma - 29
Water scorpions - 86
Lethocerus - 74
Dragonflies - 91
Fishing spiders - 3 (2 of these are the smaller species we use most often,but 1 is a large but thin female of Dolomedes tenebrosus. She's at IRF and,we hope, getting fattened up.)
Very productive and fun night. Hope y'all had fun!
- Zack