Friday (11 Apr 08) Michael (Barney) and I ran black and mercury vapor lights up at The Farm in Washington, St. Landry Parish. We ran the rig from ca. 2300-0400 hrs. As you can see by the picture, I forgot poles for the sheets, so we improvised by using sticks and small branches. The night quite obviously belonged to the moths. Species depicted here were the ones most impressive and ones we were able to i.d., either then or after with the help of Zack (Lemann). In order of appearance, they are: luna moth, Actias luna; polyphemus moth, Antheraea polyphemus; Southern pink-striped oakworm moth, Anisota virginiensis pellucida; cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia and Desmia funeralis (forgot Common name....sorry! Will add later).
Other things of interest were two fiery searchers, Calosoma scrutator (which for some strange reason, Zack thinks he's getting... :) ) and several six-spotted tiger beetles, Cicindella sexguttata. Plenty of dragonflies and damsels....only a few dragon pics, which I'll post in a separate post. -J
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