These are just a few highlight photos (until later...) from 'stock 11....first and foremost I want to thank Sr. Juan and Miss Stephanie for once again hosting this symposium of multifarious interests and continuance of documentary practices. I have always been proud to proclaim that I am an "adopted" part of the Family...and being that most of my kin still resides in the Greater New Orleans area, they mean a tremendous amount to me. Secondly, saludos to the Finchmeister and Eric the BlackSmith (no, really....he is an experienced Blacksmith and his last name is Smith) for taking me hostage and going forth with this pilgrimage to the Stock o' Bug....whilst en route we captured a fleeing Greg and brought our team to WAL*MART (it just looks better when I spell it in all caps...) and purchased a wide variety of random items.....except Eric's television.....the history and another round of great memories.
First off is a male
Triorla interrupta with a
Diogmites angustipennis kill.

Below is a
Mydas clavatus that was very cooperative at the second gate.

.....and before I hit the hay more:
Laphria lata with a shield/stink bug sp. kill....
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