"For Father's Day weekend, my 7-year old and I joined about 8 other families for an overnight canoe trip along the Bogue Chitto. Bug summary (virtually all of this was on the large sand bars/beaches:- my battery powered portable 15W UV pooped out on me, so no great shakes at night.- terrific robber flies (3 species)- great tiger beetles (3 species)- very nice odonates, especially the damselflies- 2 species of whirligig beetles, and the smaller of the two were, in one instance, in a cluster of several hundred; they were gathered in a way that reminded me of wnat fire ants do when trapped by high water - not a true ball with any height to it, but quite a large, tight group- good numbers of well-camouflaged acridid grasshoppers and wolf spiders- a couple of small spider wasps here and there as well as some toad bugs.".

Zack, looks like you were up to your knees in whirligigs...
P.S. Fixed the code on the two pics on the right side, they should all open up now.
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