I had some more rolls of film developed, mostly of stuff I photographed around here, but also a couple I took over at Steven's house. I
did have a third roll with what would have been some great shots of the rainbow-colored tiger beetles,
Megacephala (
Tetracha) carolina, but Wal-mart messed that roll up, so none of the pictures were developed. Anyway, what I do have is the following: first is a pair of grasshoppers (sp.?) mating, presumably.

Paper wasps are quite common, and thus are great photo subjects when one is bored and looking for some good shots.

Here's a ladybird beetle (sp.?).
The next few pictures are of a 1) stag beetle, Lucanus capreolus and 2) a yet-to-be identified metallic green ground (?) beetle that Steven collected from the "farm" in Washington, St. Landry Parish.

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