22 April 2008

Washington 16 Apr 08

The morning after we ran the lights, Michael and I hit the trails to see what diurnal species were active. One of the several species of dragonflies seen is below, a male Eastern amberwing, Perithemis tenera.

Also, there were a few newly emerged common whitetails, Plathemis lydia around the edge of the pond.

I really didn't keep a "running tally" of all the odes but certainly around were common green darners, Anax junius; Eastern pondhawks, Erythemis simplicicollis; roseate skimmers, Orthemis ferruginea; great blue skimmers, Libellula vibrans and blue dashers, Pachydiplax longipennis.

A nice (and rather unusually "tame") buttermilk racer, Coluber constrictor anthricus was hands down the herp of the trip!

I think the most unexpected find however.......is depicted below. -J

1 comment:

Bill D said...

I used to catch these Eastern amberwing, Perithemis tenera