22 June 2012

DES ALLEMANDS – June 14, 2012

DES ALLEMANDS – June 14, 2012

I am pretty sure this was our largest group to date at Spahr’s and at the lights. Maybe a combination of having to reschedule the May trip, an expanded number of invitees, and summer freeing up kids’ evenings all contributed to this. But in any case, we seated nearly 30 people at the restaurant, and just over 20 were at Cypress Point.

Given the rainy weather and Gordon’s schedule (and mine), we decided earlier in the day to only set up one light (mine) and waive the boating option. Rainy had persisted until dinner, so flight was expected to be weak and generally lived up to this poor billing. That said, the 7 young kids who came all had a lot to see and enjoyed themselves.

Of special note is that three people on this one evening were stung or bitten by something. A single bite to the ankle, multiple bites on a neck, and a single bite under the shirt to the lower back area occurred in that order and over the course of about 2 hours. Mostly likely culprit seems to have been a corsair, but I ask you: what are the odds of getting bitten by an assassin bug at all if you are not pinching it in your fingers, let alone multiple bites to different people on a single night AND when we saw not a one on the sheet?! Last Mon. (3 evenings before our outing) I collected with 6 entomologists from out of state, and we got 4 or so corsairs off the sheet; and out course no one was bitten save the one guy who opted to hand-collect!

Except for a huge number of some micro-lep species, this night was about 1/50th of Mon. the 11th. Still, not a total bust!



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